What to expect in the rainforest, and what you’ll need to pack when you go

The Child in Question
When my son Chas was little, I lost him in the rainforest. This wasn’t as exciting as you might expect. I asked around and people said ‘nope, haven’t seen him for hours, he’s probably gone up the river’. He turned up later, barefoot, with some biologists he’d befriended. They were looking for a particular type of crayfish, he knew exactly which river pool those crayfish hung out in. The forest was his home. It was like a child raised in a town popping to the corner shop. 

The forest speaks to those who know how to see and how to listen. You, walking along the main street in your town, can immediately see the difference between a donut shop and a pharmacy and a post office, while the rainforest looks like a huge green mystery. Remember that the rainforest is home, not only to millions of plants and animals but to people as well. People who call the rainforest their home know that plants have little signs on them saying 'danger', or 'edible', or 'this is a border'. There are cultural and social and medicinal signs everywhere. We rainforest peeps can get a bit lost and overwhelmed in a town. So while you (and movie producers) may think the jungle is a mysterious and dangerous place, it isn’t inherently so. It’s our own inexperience that makes danger for us. When I brought my kids to the UK, it was a big deal for them - a mass of information they didn't know how to filter yet. They had to learn how to read signs, to stop and press a button before crossing the road, to not take a particular alleyway shortcut. Anyone in a new environment has a bit of learning to do. 

If you're planning a trip to the rainforest, congratulations! You'll have an amazing time. There are a few things that will make your trip more comfortable. I've travelled with people who bring huge suitcases full of things just in case, and EVERY TIME, someone has said 'does anyone have a (random item),' and someone with one little backpack says 'yes, here you go', so if you'd like to be one of the people with just one bag, here's what to pack. 

If I were travelling for a rainforest trip, I would wear my hiking boots (light, breathable) for the journey so I didn't have to pack them. I'd wear loose clothes with big pockets that I could snooze in, along with a hoody for chilly airports and flights. 

THE BACKPACK. This does not have to be 'officially' waterproof, but have a good look at it. Do the zips look like they seal up fairly well? Have you been out in the rain with it and everything's still dry? Is it really comfortable on your back and not too hot and sticky? Does it suit your personal need for pocket quantity and size? If 'yes', then that'll do. Keep your backpack and any other baggage securely zipped up at all times! Creatures will find your bag a fine dry home, but you may not appreciate them moving in. I once opened a suitcase to find thousands of carpenter ants had moved in overnight and built a fabulous ant city. High drama ensued as I dragged the suitcase outside and waged an extended battle with a multitude of tiny, angry soldiers to save my belongings. Snakes and spiders also enjoy fine living in bags, and are never happy to be disturbed. 

In my bag I would take: 

A pair of flip-flops and cozy socks in a side pocket of my bag (for wearing on the plane once I've kicked my boots off - yep, I walk around planes with socks and flip-flops. Never go into an airline toilet in just your socks, ever). 

Boil water before drinking

A plastic water bottle in the other side pocket. Don't bother with fancy filters, keep it as light and easy to clean as possible. No straw, it'll get manky. Boil water before drinking. Don’t assume the river water is safe unless a trusted guide says so and even then… 

A very light, large cotton scarf. This will keep you warm on the flight and on chilly evenings, but you can also drape it around your shoulders to keep mosquitoes off your arms and neck. You can wrap it around your head to keep mosquitoes off your ears. You can wrap it around your whole body if you need a swimsuit cover-up, or if all your clothes are soaking wet and you need to dry them. There are a million fun ways to wrap a scarf around you (they can be a little see-through though, just so you know). 

Long, loose, light trousers with pockets. I definitely recommend long trousers instead of shorts, unless you are experienced enough to know which plants or creatures will sting, jab or blister you when you brush against them with bare legs (seriously, you might see some folks in shorts but they probably know their way around). 

T-Shirts and tops. I find my chest and shoulders get sunburned, so I have a few options that cover me up to my neck. 

Enough socks and underwear in a plastic bag (to keep them dry) to last the whole holiday. Take another (empty) plastic bag for damp things. These don't need to be fancy. 

Swimsuits. These are small items, bring a few. Include swim shorts that cover your bum as well. The tops can double up as bra tops, good for layering. Make sure you are happy to dive and run in your swimsuits and they aren't going to fall apart or reveal more than you wanted. 

A pack of playing cards in a ziplock bag to keep them dry. 

Toothbrush, small toothpaste, and a bottle of all-in-one hair/body wash which you can also use to wash your clothes. Deodorant if you need it. A small pack of those face wipes, you can use them to freshen up everywhere if a shower is not possible. 

A kids' waterproof sunblock stick. Your favourite daily moisturizer-with-sunblock may not be strong enough, you will sweat and it will run into your eyes, you can use a sunblock stick on your chest and shoulders as well. 

A hat. I have a little cap which folds up and fits into my back pocket. Useful for keeping the sun and rain off and hair out of eyes. 

Lightweight cotton tote bag which doubles as handbag, daybag, shopping bag... 

String. Incredibly useful for repairing broken backpack straps, hanging laundry, tying your hair when your last hair tie has broken, tying your wifi dongle up in a tree so you can get internet, tying your boots up in the rafters so the snakes don't get in HAHAHAHAAAAA THIS DOESN'T WORK, JUST KIDDING! 

A wifi extender, courtesy of 
friendly colleagues

Technology: Your mobile phone, in a waterproof pouch. I use the waterproof pouch so that if I drop my phone in a river, it'll float. Otherwise goodbye phone. I have taken a tablet when necessary, which is fabulous for work, but please, please be aware that shiny technology can be very tempting to opportunist thieves. If you don't need to take tech, don't bother. You may not have internet. If you do, certain apps may not work due to trust issues (this includes banking apps, especially in dodgy hostels). You may not be able to charge things up. It might get wet. Have a digital detox. 

A battery pack. Cables. Headphones. 

A couple of slim notebooks, pens and pencils. Consider going totally analog, and keep a journal. Do some sketching. You won't regret it. Be prepared to give away notebooks and pencils to others, including local children who will look over your shoulder, ask what you're doing, and want to get involved. 

A light quick-drying towel. Dry with it after showering, sit on it, do yoga on it, "...wet it for use in hand-to- hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal..." (Douglas Adams knew what he was talking about). 

Medication: Someone will definitely ask if you have paracetamol and sting cream, so I always take those. Plasters in case of blisters. Melatonin is not easily available in the UK, but if you're passing through Miami Airport they hand it out like candy in every other kiosk so pick some up there. Take just one at sunset on the first day you arrive, go to sleep at a sensible time, and it makes jetlag almost instantly not a thing. Very useful if you're working the next day and need to be on the ball, or just don't want to bother with jetlag. 

Sunglasses that will fit on your head without falling off and breaking. 

Glasses/contact lenses and solution. If you're a contacts wearer, please be careful and ensure you're not introducing any nasties into your eyes. Be sensible. 

Machete is optional

Bug spray with deet. Don't get dengue fever, it's not fun at all. 

Little bottle of talcum powder. This is a secret weapon for dusting in your socks to keep feet dry, prevent blisters, dust anywhere that's chafing. It's also very useful if you have sandy or muddy feet and need to put your socks and shoes back on quickly. Dust talc, brush off and go. 

Hair ties, a comb. Nail file. 

A light non-iron summer dress (because you never know!) and light shoes that don't take up any room (hopefully your flip-flops will do). Snazzy earrings. Eyeliner and some of that tinted moisturizer that makes you look presentable. If you're a guy or you're not into dresses and stuff, take a nice shirt instead that will dress up your trousers a bit. 

A torch or head lamp - drop proof! I learned a valuable lesson once when I arrived late, and in getting settled in I dropped my torch, whereupon it went out and rolled away under the bed (which I had NOT previously checked for creatures). Total, pitch dark moonless night and no-one nearby to come and rescue me (they would only have laughed their heads off anyway). Never grope around in the darkness in a rainforest, especially under beds, unless you want to find something that might bite you. I simply sat on the bed, wrapped myself in a sheet, and went to sleep. Mosquitoes ate me all night through the sheet, mostly on my elbows where they could pierce through. When I got back to the UK I bought a really good little torch that’s waterproof and drop proof. 

An emergency snack - a few granola bars, or some trail mix. 

A little bit of cash in local currency, as there are often artists and craftspeople making beautiful things. 

A book to read. 

And don't forget your passport - it's the most important thing! 

Things I Don't Pack Include: 

A lot of STUFF. Keep it light, and if in doubt do without. Leave behind all valuables, beauty concerns, dietary requirements (unless major allergies obviously), cares and worries. Your stuff might get wet, which will possibly destroy it and definitely make it weigh a lot more for you to carry. Your usual makeup and hair routine won't work the same in the humidity, and no-one else will be bothering. 

Rain gear / ponchos. So sweaty you'll be soaking anyway, there's no point, honestly. I can't understand why anyone would recommend taking a plastic thing to wear in the rainforest, have they never been there or what? Make peace with the rain, it'll stop eventually and then you can stand in a sunny place and dry. 
