And two more years whooshed by, with basically the same things in English pockets. Parts of 2023 and 2024 were exciting though, with interesting seeds from tropical trees, things made from interesting seeds, boarding passes, different sorts of shells, rebel chocolate, and more.
As you can tell, blogging isn't happening. Instagram is, sometimes. My real musings and thoughts go into paper-and-pen journals now, along with sketches, diagrams, and mind maps. Interesting leaves and ticket stubs get stuck in with glue. Long video chats with distant friends have replaced the comments section.
Back in the day when blogging was a real thing, there was a community here, we often shared our 'real' thoughts (this doesn't happen on social media!) and it doesn't feel the same any more. Sometimes I start writing a post and it sits in draft for ever. Can blogging come back? Has monetisation ruined everything forever? With people moving away from social media, will there be a revival? Who knows!