Monday, Monday...

Rainy Monday!

It's good to talk to my sister on a rainy Monday before Christmas. Yes, I can do a ham. And how about roasted veg, say sweet potatoes and beets for wonderful colourful addition to the menu? Yes. Good. Will bake a cake too.

And if the roads are too icy and the rail network shuts down? Well, Ham and roasted veg for us on Christmas day, which makes a good meal. Not like the time I was in charge of meat and Ailis was in charge of tiramisu, and we lived on roast beef for a week while they ate tiramisu for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

And that's all that's on my mind tonight, really.


Anonymous said…
I'd eat dessert all day, too.
Snuggle in!
Trust me that Tiramisu did not last long!!! But yes excellent plan! Hope your cold is better! X