I spent much of the day at Bournemouth University today, and tried not to sneeze on anyone.
My friend Catherine is visiting - A yoga instructor, she had a course to attend today. Now we're having a glass of wine (or two) and sitting opposite one another typing on our devices.
I'm trying not to sneeze on Catherine either.
Max has had friends over. One is staying the night because he called up and said that his sister was having TWO friends for the night and if I didn't rescue him he would diiiiie.
The boys have all eaten two kilos of potatoes. Mashed. And two chickens. Among other things.
They have not tidied up after themselves.
Occasional loud crashes can be heard.
Tomorrow will be another busy day.
I hope your weekend is also filled with friends, activities and laughter!
Anonymous said…
Is that picture from Nouakchott? Because that's the only place I've seen those signs, although they are usually in French.