So I said to myself, "Hey, it'll be good to have a weekend at home babysitting the Niece of Awesomeness. I can get a few things done around the house."
In theory, you might think "Clean bathroom while toddler plays in bath. Proof read and complete article at nap time. Enjoy baking a carrot cake together."
This mother of three should have known better. But I've had the best snuggles ever. And watched 'Snow White' in bits, almost the whole thing. And delved into some fine literature: We've read Wow! Said the Owl, which we both loved and one of my all time faves, The Paper Bag Princess (Classic Munsch), among others.
Now, toddler and cat are having a sibling rivalry sort of episode involving a biscuit. I had better go. I'll have a cup of coffee, if I can get a moment!
In theory, you might think "Clean bathroom while toddler plays in bath. Proof read and complete article at nap time. Enjoy baking a carrot cake together."
This mother of three should have known better. But I've had the best snuggles ever. And watched 'Snow White' in bits, almost the whole thing. And delved into some fine literature: We've read Wow! Said the Owl, which we both loved and one of my all time faves, The Paper Bag Princess (Classic Munsch), among others.
Now, toddler and cat are having a sibling rivalry sort of episode involving a biscuit. I had better go. I'll have a cup of coffee, if I can get a moment!
Well, for all the trouble toddlers are, they sure give a heavy dose of cute and cuddling.