Here's an Idea...

I am getting MORE spam, not less. So moderating comments definitely doesn't work, and word thingy doesn't either.

So I'm going to try making this blog 'Members-only' for a little while, and post titles with pretty much no content, or I dunno, I might post content if I feel like it! And then, I will change it back to 'Public', and see what happens. And I'll let you all know!

I know I shouldn't get annoyed at Spam, I SHOULD just sigh and delete. But I am VEXED every time I have to look at it. It's making me just not want to write. I wonder why I'm getting so much? Any ideas?

Anyway. Experimentally, this blog will be locking its doors for a few weeks, to see if I fall off the spam wagon. I'll be sending out passwords to obvious members. Leave a comment if you want a password...


Audubon Ron said…
Maybe you should change over to WordPress. Then you would have Things I’ve Found In Pockets.wordpress or could even do away with the wordpress part altogether for a small fee.

I have you set up on Google reader. I read pretty much everything you write except the children book stuff b/c kids books are too high a reading level for me. I took a test the other day and it said my writing style was somewhere between James Fennimore Cooper and Mario Puzo. Neither one worth a flip.

Sorry, I probably won’t use the password. The word verification gizmos are bad enough. One other thing I’ve noticed, I study ISP numbers, I don’t know, maybe I’m a savant, and you seem to have many, are you on some sort of hub or something? That might be why so many spammers targeting your address. I’m just guessing. It could be you got on someone’s list and you’re being sold. There is a thought, you’re a URL slave.

Anyway, it’s annoying I know – and I am too but I am a fan, not spam. :)
Mrs F with 4 said…
Me, please! I may be mainly silent, but that could be a good thing.
Anonymous said…
I am a fan too! And I've hated SPAM ever since it began slithering into our homes and schools eons ago via grocery bags and lunch kits.

Nan Sheppard said…
Ron, I might take your advice and switch to WP. Mrs. F, HI! I guess this would be one way of encouraging de-lurking!
The Mother said…
Ooh, do I get one?

[I hate password protected blogs. I have enough damn passwords to memorize without having to hunt down one for a blog. Plus they don't show up in Google Reader, which is the only way I can keep track of all of you. So if you don't hear from me for a while...]

On the other hand--if you let the spammers make you all this hot and bothered, haven't they WON?
Unknown said…
Me, please. I would like a password, please, if you would, Madam, kindly Madam, wonderfully lovely and gracious Madam. Kinda Oliver Twisty, eh?
Nan Sheppard said…
Thank you, all...

And DON'T WORRY guys, if this blog locks down it will be very temporary. And if I move to Wordpress, I will leave a map!
Chennette said…
Wordpress...I used wordpress for quite some time and didnt have to worry much about spam. Occasionally one might sneak through but not enough to harrass me.
TriniGirlBlue said…
I am a constant lurker please don't lock me out. I have also managed to momentarily forget my blogger password...its at home but I'm not eeeppp
Anonymous said…
HOW vexing! I've always found that comment moderation (used in moderation, of course) eliminated the spam. How awful for you.
Nan Sheppard said…
As far as I know, I'm not on any hub... and what is a URL slave? Is there anything I can do? Would a techy friend be able to sort it out? I just click buttons! Maybe it's the links to

Around the same time I started getting the Chinese spam, I noticed that my computer slowed right down. I ran some cleanups and it seems to be better now... could my laptop be infected? Would changing all my passwords help?

I guess all this just annoys me so much because it's something I can't fix and don't understand.
Kath McGurl said…
How annoying!

I've had a recent run of spam, so switched on word-verification for the first time, and it seems to have worked.

I'd like a password please.
very annoying!
would it help to close comments to older posts? most of my spam is on old posts and there is a way to shut down comments after posts are a certain number of days old.

don't lock down your blog for too long. I'll miss you!
Victoria said…
Oh ugh .. sorry the Spam is getting to you! I'd like to keep up, so password or move to WP (please move to WP so my RSS feeds can keep up :) ) .. either way, keep me on the list!

~ Vicks
BlueBella said…
Me too, me too!