It's A Mad, Mad Week...

It's Sean's last week here, and then he goes back to work for TWO MONTHS... we're making the best of our last few days.

Sean's sister, 'Aunty Beans' is visiting. My Mum is visiting, staying with Margo.

My eldest, Chas, is getting SO grown up. He is thoughtful, amazing, brilliant, athletic, and talks too much in class.  I can't discuss him here, though, because he's online and has Facebook and all now. Hi Son! Mwah!

I'm starting a Writing Course next week! Squeeee! It's the Writer's Bureau one. Further details and a review when I know more. It's not cheap, nearly £300, but I've heard good things from people in the know. Anyway, it'll keep me warm at night while my husband is away.

It was really sunny this morning, so I did two loads of laundry and hung it outside. Now, it's going to rain. Drat, laundry draped all over the house.

And me, a soon-to-be-famous millionaire writer and all. Surely I should have staff for this??


The Mother said…
Have you hired a PR firm and an investment counsellor yet?
Audubon Ron said…
I suppose I could stand a writing class. Good work.
Good luck, Nan. I hope it's all you want it to be!
Anonymous said…
Good luck with the writing class!
Our first Skullduggery book arrived today:)
2 months--that is a long time to be spouseless. Just when you get them trained, right?
Nan Sheppard said…
The Mother, not yet! :) I hope the course is fun and exciting too... and GreenGirl, two months, I KNOW! Sigh! Let me know how you like Skulduggery.
Kath McGurl said…
Good luck with the course, Nan!
Unknown said…
Ouch. Two months and no Sean. On the other hand, think of all the fun you'll have renewing your friendship when he gets back.