Babies have been sleeping with their parents since time began, and over most of the world, the Family Bed is still the most popular choice for parents: A 2006 study in India found 93% of children aged 3-10 still co-sleeping, only moving to another bed (usually to share with a sibling or other family member) when the next baby comes along. The trend of putting baby to sleep in a separate bed, in a separate ROOM, is a modern and mainly Western phenomenon, opening up a whole new market for cribs, bedding, mobiles, and nursery-decorating merchandise...
Read the Full Article at GNM Parents! Full of good stuff, if I do say so myself.
Read the Full Article at GNM Parents! Full of good stuff, if I do say so myself.
Still... it's hard to imagine doing it differently for me and my household. But I can totally respect someone else doing it if they feel like it's for them.
Gees, it sounds like I am trying to straddle the fence, but I'm not. I really feel like I couldn't/wouldn't want to do it.
HalfAsstic, that's fine. There is this fear and denial about co-sleeping that needs to be dispelled, so that it becomes an acceptable option... instead of someting to feel guilty about!