I Just Wanna Thank....

... Tash, for plying me with wine and food at the end of last week; the Straightener Guy for being reasonable; Papa Bobby for bringing jumper cables; Ernie for picking me up on the road so I could make it to yoga yesterday; the last guy who hit my car for being honest; Fatima for knowing that something was wrong even though I was "Fine!"; Sharon for being there; Scott for dealing with the Straightener Guy and lending back Sean's truck so I would have some wheels; Sean for posting my fender bender adventures all over Facebook so that everywhere I go people step out of the way; Russell for telling Sean that I would be the worst person to give the roller cooler to to pull for Carnival because someone bong to bounce mih; Rachel for going carless tomorrow; Mum and Dad for sending me to my God-Sister's wedding this weekend in Florida; Diana and Mikey, Miranda, and assorted others for babysitting; The Splendid Vet for making a house call even though I wasn't even home, to take care of my ailing doggie; and all of my kind friends and cheerleaders, who made a not-so-good week into a Perfectly Fine Week.

Thank You.


Anonymous said…
And thank you for being there when I need a pick-me-up. I am a Trini who stalks your blog for laughs and insights into raising kids in sweet T&T.
Ndinombethe said…
and thank you for dropping my rugrat to tae kwondo even though you've been having weeks from hell - definitely tryin to make it there for 4 to drag you for coffee, subject of course to me having picked Paul up - did I mention I don't get my car back til TOMORROW!!!!!!!????????? Over night tune up ahhhhhh! What to do? WHat to do? Me thinks I'll keep Paul's car and he'll have to travel to work tomorrow?? hee he
Anonymous said…
I love that you are surrounded by so many good people. Support networks are a gift.
Theresa said…
You are indeed blessed.

Resistance is futile?
Hah hah, me so funneee!!!
...and look!
You even have an anonymous blog stalker!
Islandgirl said…
and thank YOU for great tea for twoesdays and for being the first person I call when news is happy, sad or anything in between. Have a fabulous weekend Nan..you deserve a break after all you've been through of late. Dance lots (drink coffee and stay up for it!!) and let your hair down. Safe trip darlin!
witchypoo said…
You have so many kind people around you because you are a blessing in their own lives. As you are in mine.