Trials and Tribulations...

One of Sean's lifelong buddies killed himself this week; my Mum is in hospital being tested for Dengue Fever, Malaria and a host of other ailments; school starts tomorrow and the kids are understandably very unsettled, especially Chas; I will not get my new car till Friday at the earliest so that's also frustrating: juggling cars. The dogs have had ticks. The roof is leaking. The mosquitoes are bad.

Dad's 60th Birthday Party went ahead yesterday, and it was excellent. Thank you Sharon for your help, I don't know what I would have done without you! Thanks everyone who came, invited or not, for a lovely afternoon! We needed that!

We will return after these messages...


Anonymous said…
Oh, darlin, I'm sorry for all that is wrong with your world right now.
Pray that Sean and Mom and Chas are strong. Sending love.
Ndinombethe said…
Oh Nan! Thinking of you. My aunt has just recovered from Dengue so it's definitely out there. If there's anything I can do this week with picking up after school let me know. I can bring the boys home every afternoon or something like that.
GirlBlue said…
Nan so sorry to hear about all of this. Sending positive thoughts for your and Sean and hoping that everything turns out all right for your mom.
Anonymous said…
Oh man. Sucky sucky week. Cyber-hugs going your way.
Anonymous said…
Wow. What a week! I hope things improve soon. So sorry to hear about Sean's friend, and hope your Mum is better soon.
BlueBella said…
Oh hun big hugs and kisses! And well wishes, healing thoughts and positive vibes coming your way.
Unknown said…
Wow, Nan. I wish there was something I could do to help. Sending good *VIBES* your way and a great big *HUG*.