Some Awards!

Awards, awards, everywhere! And I have been such a bad blogger: I have let my awards languish, I haven't passed them on to my bloggy friends who deserve so much more from me!

Now, because I am such an amazing blogger and I get to have all these awards, I should be able to figure out how to make all the links and buttons and stuff work, right? WRONG! The Pink Rose award, though very pretty, was too... well... I couldn't make it work. Even after I ran crying to Theresa, all I got in my previews was gibberish. No pretty button. (Why yes, I'm a natural blonde) So, in between painting the house, cooking a huge Sunday lunch, covering schoolbooks, ironing, doing laundry, reading stories and giving music classes (am paying Sam $50 TT to play "Oh Susannah" perfectly from beginning to end on the fiddle), I decided NOT TO BOTHER. Ah, I feel so much better. Every Mother needs to learn this Important Survival Skill!

The Pink Rose Award was given to me by Theresa, and it is with shame and deep regret that I do not pass it on to anybody! If you like, you can click on This Link to see how pretty it is.

Luckily, I am so amazing that I have my other Award, from the gorgeous and amazing Green Girl in Wisconsin, and I just don't know why this one worked so easily and the other one didn't. It must be because Green Girl thinks about compost and has three small boys... It's one of those mystical connections we have.

Here are the rules: Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland! Leave them a comment on their blog to let them know they received this award. Remember that people can be tagged more than once!

I can do this, I can!

So, first of all, to Candygirlflies, with thanks for reminding me to "Tap Dance My Troubles Away!"

Planet Nomad, where they are all packed up and ready to move to yet another new country. Inspiring lives! Great reading! Okay, now they have arrived in their new home and you can tell how long I've been trying to finish this post!

Lou, Because he is such a flirt with all the lady bloggers, and we do appreciate it. Lou is doing some new & interesting writing exercises over on his site, check it out.

I would like to pass this one on to Theresa, who I never knew could write like that! Way to go!

Witchypoo, without whom I would never have figured out how to do links or any of that smart stuff. Witchypoo has been such a huge help since I started blogging, and her posts are often hilarious. She gets the best comments too. I bet Witchypoo will know exactly what I was doing wrong with the Pink Rose button, and fix it. She is cool like that.

Chutney Garden, for her gorgeous photos (Waaay better than mine, which are often taken with my phone...) and her informative posts about our beautiful island.

Tash, because she is a Sexy Mama. Kind, smart and knows the value of good cheese.

Wiping Up Snot, for cracking me up. Cause in this life, you gotta laugh in the face of disaster. Or at least, in the face of someone else's disasters.

BlueBella , Whose creative blog keeps me on tenterhooks! I hope all goes well in the next few weeks....

AAAAAND there you have it folks! Check those wonderful people out for some adventures, introspection, and great writing. Try to pass the Award on, guys! If you like I can email you the whole Html thingy. Let me know. And, if there's a website where I can go to learn about links and buttons, let me know so I can be less uneducated. Thanks!


Anonymous said…
Yipee! Thanks for the award! I've never seen that one before! :) And yes, I'm claming the award for myself. Cindy-Lu will have to start her own blog if she wants an award.
Anonymous said…
Congrats! And thanks for the new list of blogs to check out!
Unknown said…
I have three blogs from T&T that I read - and that comment on mine. Three. From little T&T. And I love each one.

Thank you, Nan. As an artist, I wish I had talent like yours. And as a person, I feel so lucky to call you a friend. Your kids are so lucky to have such a Mom, and T&T is lucky to have you. Period.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, oh beauteous one! If you like, I can send you some code that you can paste your links into.
BlueBella said…
Oh yay! Thank you! What a great way to round out the weekend:)
Theresa said…
Whoo hoooooooo!!!
* doing the funky chicken dance*
Ndinombethe said…
Thanks for the award. Right back at you cause your posts really do make my day. Never fail to impress.