woy woy!

My feet hurt. And my toes too, they all hurt, individually each one. My heels hurt. I have till 8.00 tonight to recover, before we hit the road for Monday Night Mas'.

I have got most of the paint off, except for my fingernails which are blue and green gunge-filled.

I have to rub my father-in-law's feet.


Anonymous said…
i've been wining and waving in my living room all day!!!!! WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Nan Sheppard said…
Chick! Bobby cannot stop talking about how wonderful it all is. We are now on to "carnival in days gone by", and hoping that de Papa will have a nap soon!
Lisa said…
The description of your blog in your header is utterly adoreable and fun.

Ok. Am off to read some of your backposts to see why your feet were aching... But hope you've recovered. :-)